I’m Marc Danziger and I make problems go away.
Over the years, that’s meant a variety of things – from writing legislation to writing code to thinking up interesting things to build in software – to thinking about how we build software and why we’re too often not too good at it, and helping people solve those problems.
Now, I consult in three areas:
- Helping organizations achieve improved effectiveness through organizational agility (the end result of things like lean product thinking and execution agility).
- Helping organizations and projects in crisis.
- Product and system ideation and definition. (A stuffy way of saying ‘thinking up and documenting creative technical solutions’)
I’ve worked with some organizations you may have heard of:
- Bank of America
- Dell
- lynda.com
- AMPAS (Oscars™)
- Toyota
- Florida Hospitals
As well as some startups:
- CarsDirect.com (back when it was a startup)
- ExposureManager.com
- 17hats.com
I’ve got a few professional certifications:
- Certified Scrum Master – 2005
- Certified Scrum Product Owner – 2013
- SAFe Practitioner – 2014
- SAFe Program Consultant 4.0 – 2016
Charmed Particles is my consulting company, named after my youthful studies in physics.
My LinkedIn profile can be found here.
G!: mracdanziger
Skype: marc.danziger
You can also email me at marcd @ charmedparticles.com (remove the spaces)